Wedding planning tips 💜

Wedding Documents

Here are some wedding documents that will come in handy to help you plan your big day 😊 
Here is an idea of how most wedding photographers will want a photo list. It honestly does not have to be this long; this was a rough one I made up. 

Wedding Photo List
Kennedy & Scott
July 24th, 2021

1:00-130? pm – 304 Railway Ave

Photo/Type Who to include
1. Getting ready Kennedy 
2. Bride and Maid of Honour getting ready Kennedy and Maid of Honour (Katja)
3. Bride with Mother Kennedy & Lyla
4. Bride holding Photo of dad Kennedy 
5. Bride with Auntie Kennedy & Shirley 
6. Bride with brother Kennedy & Bailey 
7. Picture of dresses hanging Just the dresses 
2:00-8? Let me know if I have cut anything:) – Ceremony 2pm at Tessier Farm 23 km from Arcola. Reception at Praire Place Bamorial Ave. 
Photo Who to include
1. Aisle walk with my mom and brother Kennedy & Lyla, Bailey
2. ceremony pictures including sand ceremony Kennedy & Scott 
3. Signing the license Kennedy & Scott 
4. Kissing photo 😍 Kennedy & Scott
5. Mr. & Mrs. Ring Kennedy & Scott
6. Group Photo All 26 People (could be more or less ) the photo of my dad 
7. Adnam family Kennedy, Scott, Ryker, Harrison, Don & Marthe, Lyla, Bailey, George, Elva, Harold, Keith. 
8. Tessier family Kennedy, Scott, Ryker, Harrison, Megan, Austin  lilly, Quintin, Robyn, Zack, Otto, charlene, laurie, brandon, Kate. Kate and Austin, Zack are siblings significant others :) 
9. My moms side Kennedy, Ryker, Scott, Harrison, Mavis, Eugene, Shirley, Donlad, Judy 
10. Adnam parent ( Dad passed) Lyla, Kennedy and Scott 
11. Tessier Parents Charlene, laurie, scott and Kennedy 
12. Mother Daughter Photo Kennedy & Lyla 
13. Siblings both sides Kennedy, Scott, Bailey, Brandon, Megan, Robyn
14. Ring Family and wanna a couple with them holding a sign say here comes the bride and here comes mommy. ( Ryker will hold here comes mom) Kennedy, Scott, Ryker, Harrison 
15. Bride maid and Groomsmen and bride and groom funny pictures like running from something and include the kids into that one. Then just funny ones with are group. Kennedy, Scott Maid of Honour: Katja Groomsmen: Joe 
Ring security photos would be cute too for the boys: Ryker and Harrison 
16. Bride and Adnam side Kennedy, Don & Marthe, Elva, Harold, George and Keith 
17. Scott and parents Scott, Laurie, Charlene 
18. Ring Security and flower girl RYKER AND HARRISON AND FLOWER GIRL LILLY 
19. I'd love a few of me and scott alone if we can Kennedy and Scott
20. Cake Cutting Kennedy and scott 
21. Bouquet Toss Kennedy and kids 

Here are some ideas if you are going with a JP so you have an Idea what you want to do for your ceremony as well if you go with a JP you will have to get your marriage license 3 months in Advance for it to be a legal marriage , You will be able to get these license at most jewelers and sometimes flower shops, I can provide the locations for you in the next portion. 

Ring Ceremonies

Sample Ring Ceremony #1

I, __________, take you __________ to be my (husband/ wife/ partner), secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life.
On this special day, I give to you, in the presence of all those in attendance,
My promise to stay by your side as your (husband/wife/partner) 
In sickness and in health, In joy and in sorrow, as well as
Through the good times and the challenges.
I promise to love you, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you,
Laugh and cry with you, always be open and honest with you,
Respect and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
I give you this ring………..


Sample Ring Ceremony #2

______________, I give you this ring knowing in my heart that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life and my one true love.  On this special day, I give to you my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful (husband/wife/partner) in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow as well as through the good times and the difficult.  
I promise to love you without reservation, honour and respect you, provide for your needs as best I can, protect you from harm, comfort you in times of distress, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.  I give you this ring…………..

Sample Ring Ceremony #3

___________, I give you this ring, as a sign
That I choose you for love,to be your faithful (husband/wife/partner) for long as we both shall live, today, tomorrow and always.  

Sample Ring Ceremony #4

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward.  In the presence of our witnesses, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in challenges, and in joy as well as sorrow.  I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and to cry with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.  I give you this ring……………

And then we also have the sample of doing the sand ceremony. 
The sand ceremony represents the blending of two people, the bride and the groom, each with their own individual gifts and special attributes, that they now bring into a single, sacred unit that is their marriage -- the joining of their lives.  .
Standing together never means dissolving your individual selves into each other, but it strengthens the individuality of each. A good marriage evolves when two distinct individuals face life's joy and its sorrow in harmony, not necessarily in unison.
The combining of these sands represents the joining of _____and _____thus creating a new, equally beautiful union between two loving and committed people to each other and their new life together as man and wife.  

Where to Purchase a marriage license: 
I should mention that both parties need to be there when purchasing and you will need two pieces of Government ID. 

• A & A Jewellery
• Simon's Jewellery Ltd

• A Tymeless Event
• Aurelia Goldsmith Bullion Broker
• Creative Touch Wedding Designs
• Madni Islamic Centre & Mosque
• Paper Umbrella
• Paris Jewellers (Southland Mall)
• Quality Goldsmiths Ltd.
• Royalty Goldsmiths
• Simon's Jewellery Ltd.
• Victoria Jewellers Ltd.

Weyburn location: 
          Michael's Jeweller
           York Jewellers Ltd.

Thank you, speeches,
 Thank You Speech Outline
- Thank everyone (the guests) for being here tonight, especially those who travelled from
out of town and other provinces.
- The support from extended friends and families for helping set up, coming to us
Wedding and thank you to my mom for being my rock and helping us out a ton.
- Thank your Bridal party
- Thank you to Venue, it was amazing that we were able to use this
beautiful hall, thank you for letting us use it on our big day.
- We would like to thank photographer and anyone who was involved
- THANK you to my mother in law for all your help with getting this day organized,
welcoming me (the groom) into your family. And most importantly, raising one of the
most kind, thoughtful, sincere people that I have had the pleasure to know. So, we thank
- Groom’s Parents for teaching me (the groom) how to love. Through your example, you
have shown me how to be compassionate, how to be patient with one another, how to
stay by each other sides when times are difficult, and how to have the time of your life
when you are together. I will do my best to always give (the bride) the type of love you
have taught me. Thank you.
- You may want to end on saying thank you to everyone for coming (again) and we are
sorry if we do not have the chance to talk to you tonight
- Turn it over to the DJ!

This is a rough Idea of a Timeline, you can change it to match your Big Day: 
Wedding outline: 
Getting ready: 9:00 AM -11:00 AM
Pictures at the Tessier Farm must be there for 12 as pictures are at 12:15 PM -1:15 PM
Ceremony 2:00 PM -2:30 PM Tessier Farm 
Pictures in Wilmar if we have time 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM these will be groom and bride and some other shots. Videographer can be around during these so about 4:00pm 
Have DJ arrive @4:30
Arrive to Ceremony location @ 5:40 PM
Diner@ 6:00 PM and have Laurie & Charlene say Grace
@6:30 PM have MC Thank Beatz Eatz for catering.
Program starts @ 7:00 PM (Get people taking seats and introduce the head table) 
Cake Cutting @ 7:15 PM
Best man speech @ 7:30 PM
Lyla Welcoming Scott to the family @ 7:40 PM
Laurie & Charlene Welcoming Kennedy to the Family @ 7:50 PM
Scott & Kennedy Thank you speeches @ 8:10 PM
8:30 MC announces that we will need to have help moving the tables and to have the groom and bride leave to get ready for the first dance. 
First Dance @ 9 PM 
Mother/ Daughter Dance, Brother and Bride Dance and then Groom and Mother Dance (any other formal dances) @ 9:30 PM
Bouquet Toss and Garter Toss @ 10:00 to 10:30 
Sparklers sendoff @ 11:00 PM 

2:00 Pm for the ceremony 23 KM south of Arcola 

Here is a 16 Month Timeline. This is what I followed when I was planning my wedding to a T. 
16 Month Wedding Timeline:

*Please note that everything on this list is optional and should be catered specifically to you
(add or remove anything to make it all about your big day)!

12-16 months…
- Have an engagement party (remember to collect mailing addresses here) not doing one
- Take engagement photos (try to use the same photographer for that you will for your
wedding: most have packages
- Discuss a budget with your significant other and anyone else helping pay for the
wedding (it may be awkward to speak money, but it needs to get done so everyone is on
the same page)
- Discuss logistics such as outdoor vs. indoor, big vs. small guest list, formal vs. informal
- Start a Pinterest board (like you have not already!) 
10-12 months…
- Find a location for your wedding and book the venue done
- Book your photographer/videographer as soon as you have solidified a date (they book
- Choose your bridal party including ring bearer and flower girl 
- Begin wedding dress shopping (seriously, it takes this long
- Create a wedding website 
- Send save the dates (electronic or paper) 
8-10 months…
- Book a hotel block if you have out of town guests coming
- Book your caterer (make sure your venue allows bringing in your own caterer)
- First draft of wedding guest list (add or remove over the next few months)
- Order your wedding dress (leave plenty of time for alterations) 
- Shop for bridesmaid dresses and order done
6-8 months…
- Book your DJ and start to think of songs for the first dance, father daughter dance, and
any other special songs that you want them to play
- Plan ceremony music- pick music 
- Research florists and their prices; order your bouquets, boutonnières, and anything
needed for décor. 
- Book hairstylist and makeup artist (decide whether they will be coming to them or if you
will go to them) 

4-6 months…
- Go shopping for the groom’s attire (whether renting or buying) will do that
- Research bakers and decide what dessert you are serving at the reception (formal
wedding cake, donuts, cake pops, cookie bar, s’more bar – s’mores and pop corn 
- Begin planning decor (join buy and sell groups on Facebook, seek out rental options)
- Rent linens/tables/chairs if they aren’t supplied by the venue; any other rentals done
- Make or order wedding favours 
3 months…
- Send invitations! (remember to use the addresses you collected at the engagement
party; delegate immediate family to help distribute invitations) 
- Book hotel rooms for the night before and the night of (do this earlier if it is a long
weekend or a large event is in the city) 
- Purchase wedding bands 
- Choose gifts for the wedding party and parents done
1 month…
- Plan the ceremony with the officiant
- Write vows if giving your own 
- Plan rehearsal dinner and invite everyone
- Meet with the venue
- Finish any DIY projects 
- Final dress and suit fittings
2 weeks…
- Buy marriage license
- Buy liquor license and liquor (unless the venue supplies the liquor)
Finalize the day of timeline and give it to all vendors (confirm arrival/delivery times) finish
this weekend!
- Write cheques for payments to vendors
- Finalize seating chart done people can choose their own seats 

1 week…
- Organize a document that outlines how everything should be set up and print multiple
copies (this is very useful for everyone and takes the pressure off of you in the moment)
working on all this now!

Who gets invited to what? 

Engagement Party: 
- Bride, groom, wedding party (including their significant others and kids) 
- Parents, grandparents, and siblings of the bride and groom (including significant others and kids)
- Aunties, uncles, and close cousins 
- Close friends of both the bride and groom 

Bridal Shower: 
- Bride, bridal party
- Mother and grandmothers of the bride 
- Mother and grandmothers in law of the bride
- Aunties, female cousins from both the bride and groom side 
- Female siblings of the bride and groom 
- Close female friends of the bride 

Bachelorette Party:
- Depending on the event, it could be the same list as the shower 
- Remove grandmothers, older aunties, etc if you want

Bachelor Party:
- Again, remove people based on what the event/activity is 
- Groom, his side of the wedding party 
- Father and grandfathers of the groom 
- Father and grandfathers in law of the groom (not expected but is a nice gesture) 
- Uncles, male cousins of the groom 
- Male siblings of the bride and groom 
- Close male friends of the groom 

Rehearsal Dinner/Rehearsal: 
- Bride, groom, wedding party (including their significant others and kids)
- Parents and siblings (including significant others and kids) of the bride and groom 
- Anyone doing readings or having a special part in the ceremony (musicians if you hired them) 

Gift Opening: 
- Usually announced or posted at the reception for all to come, but only a select few will… 
- Immediate families of both sides 
- Bridal party (if they didn’t party too hard the night before) 
- Grandparents, aunties/uncles, cousins
- Out of town guests 

I have included the DJ I am working with, so you have an option for a DJ.
Coyote Entertainment price list 
500$ GSt included and this includes 5 hours of music and music during dinner and music at the ceremony no extra charge. This also includes DJ and lighting. 

6 hours is 650$
Includes music during dinner and ceremony (No extra charge)
This gets you the DJ and lighting 

Mileage is 50 cents a KM 
150-dollar deposit is required. 
Booking time frame is 6 months in advance. As well there is a wedding questioner that need needs to be given within a month. There Is no extra if he needs a generator and coyote entertainment has 40 years of experience.

I have attached what I did for my day of timeline, again you can change it to suite your wedding day. 
Day of Timeline: 

   Friday (the day before) 
- Set up at the venue (this should take under 2 hours if you have about 15-20 people to help) 
- Rehearsal dinner (see document called “Who Gets Invited to What? for invite list) 
- Rehearsal on site (remember to have the wedding party, parents, grandparents if they have a role, and any readers present) 
- Check in to hotels or settle in to wherever you are spending the night 

Saturday (the big day) GIRLS TIMELINE
- Wake up at 7am
- Breakfast gets put out if staying home to get ready (best if it is a buffet style so that everyone can take turns eating/getting ready) 
- Breakfast should be at 8:00am if moving to another location to get ready 
- Hair & Make up to arrive at 9:00am (alternatively, you arrive at the salon at 9:00am)
- Photographer/videographer to arrive as planned on your contract. Photographer comes at 12:15 to 1:30 pictures in Arcola if takes less time that is good. 
- Have designated person drop off flowers, corsages, etc. 
- Arrive at the ceremony location 1:30 (if the bride is giving corsages/boutonnières to parents or grandparents, do this now) 

Saturday (the big day) BOYS TIMELINE 
- Wake up at 7am
- Breakfast 
- Photographer/videographer to arrive as planned on your contract
- Have designated person drop of boutonnières 
- Arrive at the location after pictures. Pictures start at 12:15-1:30 

1. Saturday (the big day) TOGETHER 
2. Get box given to significant other if you plan this 
3. Ceremony 2:00 Tessier Farm
Family pictures around the farm and then head back to Arcola
1. Arrive back to Arcola for the rest of the photos including Bride and Groom and other photos
2. Arrive at reception/grand entrance 5:30 or 5:40. 
3. Dinner 6:00 pm
4. Program starts (Thank you speeches, someone come up and talk about Scott and me etc.) 7:00 pm 
5. Cake cutting 8:00 pm 
6. First Dance 9:00 pm 
7. Mother /Daughter dance & Brother and Bride and then Groom and Mom (and any other formal dances) 9:30
8. Bouquet Toss 10:00 
9. Garter Toss 10:30 
10. Sparklers send off 11:00 

Clean up/last call 11pm or 12pm per venue contract 
Sunday (the day after) 
- Sleep in! 
- Gift opening 1:00pm-4:00pm  

Also, Congratulations on your Engagement super exciting times 😊 

Kennedy Tessier 

This Moment Photography. 


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